Basically, scam artists used a legitimate on-line car sales site to post a "To Good To Be True" offer.
They were offering a 2004 Acura for about $6,500.
It was to be shipped from Laredo, Texas to the successful bidder...
Needless to say, after the money was sent overseas to the "seller" the Acura never arrived..
The internet is great for finding data about where Used Car Auctions are being held.
A car is a big investment and to buy one in the same manner you would a book, or a fishing rod, is open to all sorts of risk.. as this poor guy found out.
There are so many auto auctions going on all over the country and there will usually be a number being held within a few miles of most reasonable sized towns.
Use the power of the internet to get yourself a subscription to one of the trusted and well known providers of Auto Auction Listings.
Have a look through the recent sales data for the model you want to buy.
Look through the auction lists for your area for the same models.
Then check the cars out at the pre-auction inspection times.
At least you can then touch and feel what you are going to spend a few thousand dollars on..!
Even call them up and ask about the procedure if you aren't sure. They often have folks ask the same thing and their job is to help you..
Now more than ever, there are many more used cars turning up at the auction centers.
What this means for you as the buyer, is more pressure on the sellers to move the stock.
This means lower bids will likely be accepted, saving you your hard earned cash..
Did you know:
Last year more than 45 million used cars were sold - and nearly 10 million were sold at auction..!!
25% of used cars sell by auction and that number is growing - will you be part of it ??
Take advantage of the current oversupply and lower prices at used car auctions.
Check out our links under "Research Toolkit" and get the auction lists and locations that we use...
Grab our newly updated Guide Book & Buyers Checklist with secret tips and resources to make sure you know all the steps you must take to secure that bargain..!! Free for a limited time..
Now, go buy that dream car you always wanted...
Happy Motoring
The Auto Auctions Guy