Can Car Auction Buyers Gain From Credit Squeeze..?
The impact could be felt in two different ways, and it's not clear whether or not they will balance each other out. One thing is certain though, and that is that there will be some great buying opportunities for those able to take advantage of them!
The first thing to think about is that the availability of finance and credit has tightened up a lot recently. This means that for those folks who were intending to get bank finance, to fund their next car purchase from the car auctions, they may find that they no longer qualify. This in turn could mean less bidders and therefore less competition for you at the Car Auctions.
The flip side is that for those people who financed a Car with organizations that were happily handing out loans to almost anybody. These people may find their loans being recalled (depending on the original terms and conditions of their loans) as the loan providers get into difficulty themselves.
The thing is, we could have the situation arise where there are more vehicles being offered for sale by auction and less people bidding, due to their inability to secure the needed finance.
We may even begin to notice a lowering of the quality of the cars being offered for sale at some of the auctions. It is really important that you don't just rush out and buy at the first car auction you attend. Take the time to do the proper research, as outlined in our Free Guide Book & Buyers Checklist, to make sure you get the best possible deal.! You need to constantly be aware of how the retail market prices are being affected by the lack of credit and auto loan foreclosures.
Less likely to be affected by the current credit squeeze are the Government and Federal Car Auctions. The reason is that the main source of vehicles for these auctions comes from expired leases and seized cars, usually from criminal activities.
Overall, the current credit squeeze may present some great buying opportunities for those bidding at the Car Auctions. With a little patience, good research, and commonsense, it's probably going to become even easier for you to afford your dream car.!
Get the newly updated Guide Book & Buyers Checklist with secret tips and resources to help you win at the Car Auctions, Free Now for a limited time from www.AutoAuctionsGuy.com
Happy Motoring
The Auto Auctions Guy
State Auto Auctions - Will It Matter Which State You’re In …?
The short answer is YES .! It certainly can matter which state you are in..
The standard of auctions can vary from state to state and the services offered can vary a lot as well. Some provide great customer service, even making vehicle inspection services available.
Now that is a real plus if you are stuck in the office or the boss has just sent you inter-state for a few days or more and you need to buy a car. Perhaps the reason you’re choosing to look at auto auctions is because your current vehicle has died and is beyond resurrecting.?? If the people at the auction can provide you with inspection results it can be a service that saves a trip..
Another factor affected by which state you live in is that some of the car auctions will run a “mock bidding” auto auction so that new bidders can experience the auction process and feel more comfortable once the live car auction begins. This is a great way to get some State Auto Auction experience just by attending these sessions.
Learning how to buy at an auction can earn you some great deals. With bidding often starting from around the $100 mark it has been known for some folks to drive off in an auto for just pennies on the dollar - even up to 90% off the market price in some extreme cases..!!
Vehicles such as Sedans, SUV’s, Trucks, Vans, that are ex-government are usually in good condition and well groomed and they have normally been serviced on a regular basis too. Also, they can be less than 3 years old. There are auto auctions going on in every state all the time. If you want California state auto auctions or Virginia state auto auctions there will be one happening close to you at least once a week.
The important thing, apart from the above points, is making sure you get an up to date and reliable list of the auctions and descriptions of the cars you are interested in. Also get contact details, so you can establish the terms and conditions which vary from auction to auction and from state to state.
You will find, to your dismay, that some of the people out there selling lists and memberships only have limited access to State Auto Auctions. Some have old databases, while others don't even provide a list of previous sales that have occurred.
Ones that I like using, (see our website under Research Toolbox) provide a free search facility of past sales by manufacturer, zip code (or Post Code). This then displays for you the make, model, type, year of manufacture, mileage, price it sold for and ID number. Now this is really important research to guide you on what to expect your car will sell for at the Auto Auction. Armed with this information, you will soon know when the bidding has gone too high..!! Don't forget, know your limit and be prepared to walk away if it is exceeded. There will be another Auction within the week.
All the best with your bidding at the State Auto Auctions.!
More coming soon from the Auto Auction Guy...How To Suceed At UK Online Car Auctions .!
Buying a car successfully at UK Online Car Auctions can be more exciting than car boot sales, second-hand shops and antique shops.! The range of different makes and models auctioned online is amazing - you could spend hours just browsing.!
You can pick up a real bargain, find a long sought-after car to add to your collection, or even a new family car at the UK Online Car Auctions.
However, like most things in life, commonsense must prevail. You need to do some research yourselves to know just what the going market values are of the Cars you are interested in. Now this also can be achieved online. Your local newspapers carry classified ads, as do the daily’s. Once you have a good feel for the market values, you are unlikely to pay too much at the UK Online Car Auctions.
Read the fine print. This one can catch people out easily as you need to be aware of all the terms and conditions before you start to bid. Find out such things as: Is there a buyer premium payable. How will settlement be made. How do you get the vehicle after the auction is complete. Is there registration to take care of.? All things you must know before bidding at the UK Online Car Auctions.
Now for the really hard part.. You only have the sellers description of the condition of the vehicle and any faults the car may have. This puts you at some disadvantage and also introduces a large element of risk.! However, there is possibly another way to purchase your car at auction and that is by using an online auction database to find out where live UK Car Auctions will sell cars.
Perhaps the best thing is to use a reliable and regularly updated database to find car auctions in the UK close to your village or town. There are lots happening all the time. Find some that have the makes and models available that you wish to buy. Remember though, you still need to do the research as above and know your market.
Next on the list is to check the vehicles over before you bid. Watch how the other bidders go over the vehicles. Perhaps even ask your local Auto Mechanic to go with you or maybe offer to buy them lunch, a few beers or both. A little money spent here can save you a pile of trouble later on. Attend a few car auctions yourself just as an observer to see how things work. There is nothing worse than turning up at the appointed hour ready to buy and not having the faintest idea of what to do..
Good luck with the bidding...
More coming soon from the Auto Auction Guy...Sunday
Federal Auto Auction - What You Must Know . . . ! !
There are important things you must know before buying at a Federal Auto Auction..
Like thousands of other people who have bought used vehicles at auto auctions, it can be easy and rewarding but only if you know what you’re doing..!!
Firstly, a bit of background. There is a Federal Agency (GSA) that has the main responsibility for purchasing fleets of vehicles. These cars are then leased to other agencies to meet their transport requirements. At the end of the lease period, the GSA collects these Autos so that they can be offered for sale at a Federal Auto Auction. The sale proceeds received then goes towards the purchase of the next fleets.
These cars being sold at the auto auctions have been cleaned and detailed for the purchaser to drive away in. It is not uncommon for these cars to be less than 3 years old. Most times they have been used for normal administrative duties (eg) for home visits by government staff, and as administrative pool cars, etc.
The key things about these vehicles is that they usually have been well maintained, they usually have low mileage, power steering, power windows, radio with tape, or CD, players, and are mostly popular makes and models. There are no buyers fees either, with prices being at wholesale.
However, they are sold on an As Is Basis. This means that it is up to you to carry out a thorough inspection of the Auto before you make any bids. Starting the Auto and inspecting it is normally allowed, but you can not drive it as part of your inspection. Get a copy of the terms and conditions from the Federal Auto Auction organizers before hand as well. This can help avoid any unnecessary surprises later on.
The Federal auto auctions mainly cater to auto dealers, but are usually happy to assist the public who maybe interested in purchasing. Make contact early and ask about the bidding process if you are new to it. You will also need to register for the sale before the Auction starts, so plan to arrive early.
Payment is typically made using credit card, debit card, cashiers check, or money order but it is best to confirm what the payment details and terms are before the Federal Auto Auction starts..
The most important thing has been left to last and that is, the source of information for auto auctions. For a Free search of past sales showing makes and prices paid provide some useful links for you on our site. Look for them under the Research Toolkit heading. You can even register and get up-to-date auction lists for a small one-off fee if you become a member with some of the auction list sources.
The Internet has made car buying at a great price a breeze with access to so many near new makes and models using Car Auctions. But Do You Have The Right Information To Search For Your Dream Car …? That is what you must have to be successful.
Good luck with the bidding...
More coming soon from the Auto Auction Guy...Online Seized Car Auctions - Discover The Catch ..!!
YES, there are some catches to buying seized vehicles at car auctions..
YES, you can buy a seized car for a large discount off market price.
YES, they do take place in all states.
YES, bidding often does start at $100.00
NO, you possibly will not buy a Ferrari for $500.00
NO, you probably won’t buy a decent car for $100.00
Online Seized Car Auctions can indeed be the best place to start looking for a great Auto at a knocked down price. Commonsense will tell you that if it was the holy grail of Car Buying then all the dealers would be out of business by now, right.??
Some folks do not like putting themselves out there and haggling and bargaining. They would rather be told a price then decide if they are willing to pay it else they go to the shop next door to compare.
Other folks like to know that what they buy will have full warranty and protection using every consumer law known to mankind.
You also get the case in smaller communities where the local dealer also goes to the same church as you and maybe is part of your foursome at the golf course. So buying from anyone else is almost a sin..!!
But, if you have an independent mind and have no qualms about doing a bit of research and window shopping, then you are on the way to buying more for less..!
It is important to understand what is behind these seized cars for sale. Every month across the United States, thousands of cars are seized by different Government agencies (IRS, DEA, FBI) & Police departments. These cars are then auctioned off to the public at a Government Seized Auto Auction in your local area. But, you are not going to get a general invite in your mailbox every time they happen. You have to make the inquiry to find out where they are, and then turn up at the car auction.
This brings us to a very important step - how do you find that information.?? Great question..!!, The best way that I know of is to obtain lists of all the various seized vehicle auctions from a KNOWN and CREDIBLE source. All sources are not equal and therefore nor are their lists necessarily credible either.
Once you’ve got your lists and found a seized car auction close to home, the next step is to mark off a couple of autos which appeal to you. Get to know how much they are being sold for now by dealers and private sellers alike. Use the classifieds and drive around the dealers to get a feel for the average prices. You will be surprised how fast you pick it up. Go have a look at what those same types of vehicles have sold for at previous car auctions using the links in the Research Toolkit part of our site. This will give you a guide to what price you may have to go to, to secure your dream car.
As you can see, there are some catches. But, with a bit of commonsense, some action, and some effort on your part, you can easily be driving off in a steal of a seized car..!! Don’t delay! Your dream vehicle is waiting for you…
Good hunting and see you on the highway..
More coming soon from the Auto Auction Guy...Friday
Goverment Auto Auctions - How to Avoid Costly Mistakes . ! !
There are certain things you must do to ensure you win at Goverment Auto Auctions and avoid costly mistakes..
1). Mindset
Your mindset has a lot to do with achieving either success or failure when buying a car. Successful car buyers have the attitude: “I can win at this game. I can learn enough about the cars that are available, educate myself about the workings of the auto auction business, understand how the financing works, and take control of the process so that I can save myself money.”
2). Differentiate Between Your Needs & Wants
This one trips up a lot of people. It is so important to identify your needs first, then look at your wants. For instance; Station wagon or Minivan, 4 Doors, Automatic, Air Conditioning, Child Safety
Seats are all examples of NEEDS. Whereas Spoilers, Sun Roof, Multi Disc CD Player, Sports Wheels are all just WANTS.!
Do up a list of what you absolutely must have (NEEDS) in a vehicle from a government auction and that will become your reference point. This will be the minimum you will settle for. Add the wants to a wish list and if you get any of those in the autos you bid on, then that is a bonus.
3). Do Your Research Before Hand
Unless you are already in the Auto business, it will be ego or some macho drive that will prevent you from seeking information and advice. If you don’t know what the street value of a vehicle is, how can you possibly know when the bidding has gone too high.? Ok, so you will have a budget; but the whole idea of attending Government Auto Auctions is to get a bargain and save money - not blow the whole budget..!! Be nice to drive away with money left over, right.??
4). Get The Financing Sorted Out
Before you get there, and not just half an hour before, know how you are going to finance the purchase. Check with the government auction organizers which options are available. If you do need to finance it get that in place well before hand. Some auctions allow you to pay with credit card, cashiers check, or debit card. Make sure your funds are all squared away first.
5). Insurance
Not everyone drives as safely as you do. So try and organize temporary insurance cover before the vehicle auctions. Check with your insurance company as they may provide this facility and as you are already a client it can be easier to arrange.
These are all commonsense points for someone who is used to buying at auction. But for most people it is a whole new experience. These points are all equally important.
The research part has now been made a lot easier since the internet has evolved and can save you a lot of time and running around. One good source for researching auction sale prices is provided on our site under "Research Toolkit".
Happy Bidding..!!
More coming soon from the Auto Auction Guy...
Cheap Local Car Auctions - Do You Know These Tips & Tricks.??
The first thing you need, is an accurate list of all available auctions in your area. Why.?? Because often a particular make and model may not be available at just one Car Auction. But, being able to view weeks worth of upcoming auctions means you can hold out for exactly the Make and Model you want. Information, Information, Information… but it needs to be reliable AND from a credible source..!!
The next thing for a happy Auction experience is to do some research on your chosen models. I know it sounds like hard work but in reality all you have to do is just notice the prices as you drive past the lots as you do most times going places. A glance through the paper when the ads are on TV works well too.
Now you know what the dealer asks it gives you an idea of what you Do Not Want To Pay..!! Take a percentage off this figure and write down the result. That is your reminder of your limit at the Auction. Keep it private and be prepared to walk away..
Ok, you have the lists, selected your models, know the dealer prices, and have your own maximum bid price stored away. Here is where you may have to get a little dirty and maybe even call a friend..!!
With the information you got with your lists will be start times for the Local Car Auctions and time and dates when inspections are permitted. Most times you are not allowed to take the automobile for a drive, but you can start it up and have a good look around - this could be the dirty part so take some coveralls or a change of clothes.. It may be that you would feel more confident if a friend or mechanic checked it out for you. Sometimes the auction places have this facility available for a small fee. Obviously get a short list of the Automobiles you actually are serious about. You don’t want to go checking all the cars on the lot… unless you want to start a business doing that.??
Pre-arrange your finance before hand and sometimes the Local Car Auctions will have someone there who provides finance. You normally have to be approved before the Auction starts though.
The last tip is to get there early; check out the competition as they arrive and see how much interest is being shown in the models you are interested in. If it is a low turnout day you could be driving away in a dream bargain of an auto..
Happy Bidding..!
More coming soon from the Auto Auction Guy...
Cheap Online Car Auctions - A Myth Or Reality.??
The biggest difference is that in one market, people are out to get noticed - what better way than getting exposure as someone who paid (and now owns) a piece of celebrity glitz; Or to impress and get one up on their peers after purchasing a well known piece of art..!!
Thankfully “normal” folks using Car Auctions are interested in something a lot closer to reality. That is, to purchase a reliable automobile at the best possible price..
You see the thing is, there is usually only one glitzy “celeb” item but there are many automobiles of all makes and models available at the car auctions.
This is why it is possible to get an amazing bargain at Car Auctions; lots more supply than demand..!
Add to that the fact that the owners, sometimes the Government, just want to convert these autos to cash as quick as possible... and this is where you the buyer, who has done their homework using a reliable list of car auctions, comes in.
It is not a myth, and it is possible to attend auctions where there are only a handful of people in attendance. There are just so many car auctions being held all over the country. This is of course good news for you and means less demand and lots of stock.
The auctioneers nightmare but your gain, every time. Well that assumes you know where they’re being held and what is going under the hammer..!! Once again, it comes down to having the best information at your finger tips. Knowledge is power, and powerful lists make you the winner every time.
In the past the best lists and the auction locations were only known to an insider group of people. Dealers have been using them as a source of cheap stock for their lots for quite some time. So why is it being made public now you may ask.??
It is not something new to those in the know and with more people over extending their credit lines, seizure powers given to Government agencies, fleet sales etc., the dealers just can’t absorb all the extra automobiles now available.
Dealers can only afford to hold a limited amount of stock on their lot. This means that those extra automobiles have to be moved somehow - they are costing huge amounts of money to house and organize. Often the auctions are supplied with vehicles for sale as a result of loan defaults and the finance companies want their money as soon as possible..
So, if you really want to save yourself some serious money, and possibly get the car of your dreams at the same time, then there is no better place to start than by registering yourself with a premium auction list provider.
If you want to see exactly what some of these cars have already sold for, then follow the links under the heading Research Toolkit on our site.
We trust you found this of value. Feedback is always welcome..
Happy Motoring..!!More coming soon from the Auto Auction Guy...
What You Should Know About Auction Car Sales
In most developed countries, Government Enforcement agencies, and Financial Institutions are constantly taking possession of vehicles and other goods.
They don't really want to, as it's certainly not part of their core business. Government and Enforcement agencies are empowered to confiscate proceeds from criminal activities; often these can be late model and prestige Cars.
Financial Institutions repossess vehicles when those that bought them on credit, can no longer afford to meet the repayments due to a variety of circumstances.
Once the vehicles have been acquired by these organizations they need to be on-sold very quickly. To have them standing around just adds extra costs associated with safe storage, handling, and pre-selling, to the losses they have already suffered.
They NEED to SELL them and with a far amount of urgency.! This is where you can get a bargain..
For the authorities that impounded the Cars, their main concern is to avoid adding storage costs and getting funds to help their overall budget - they just want quick cash, thank you very much..
These vehicles are available for sale from both physical auction sites and via on-line auction sites
A number of sites offer listing details and site locations for Auction Car Sales. Some just glean the information from public notices and newspapers, while others charge a small one-time fee to access their vast databases. These databases are constantly being updated and provide more access to seized and repossessed cars than the free ones. Some even tell you where the Dealers buy from..!
Some basic research and background checks should be made by you before you rush out and start bidding.!
Find out the usual price of the make and model you are interested in. Look at online ads by Dealers, newspaper online classifieds, etc. Are you mechanically minded.? If not then take a friend with you who is. What about the local mechanic.? Maybe offer to buy them lunch - it's not going to break the bank - especially when you could be saving thousands of dollars with their help.!
Before you get bidding, find out the terms and conditions and how they expect you to pay; how you get to pick up the car, and any registration or tax costs..
One tip is to write down (and don’t show anyone else) exactly what your limit is going to be. You will be surprised how much over budget most people will go at an auction car sale. The fear of loss just keeps them bidding higher and higher. So write it down and keep to your limit - remember you are out to get a bargain..
Hopefully you find these tips on Auction Car Sales useful? You can look at some Auction Car Sale listings in your area HERE
Happy Motoring..!!
More coming soon from the Auto Auction Guy...